Here are some new folders I've created with ResEdit and Photoshop 2.0.1. As you know, use "copy and paste" to transfer the icons for your own use. There are also icons for Mac OS 8, created with Photoshop 20.1 !!
With a "/click on" after folder's names, it means that you 'll find new icons inside the folder. It's a bit like I had continued "Mitch's icons Pro": after working with icons, I thought I could draw some folders, too. Here's what I've done.
Some icons come from a much older version of "Mitch's patterns Pro", when I only knew the way to draw icons and not patterns. Then, I too discovered the right way to create real patterns, but I kept those icons for this collection.
This product is a freeware: feel free to give it to your friends. Remember to preserve the original product, not reduced/modified versions !! If you wanna use any of my creations for commercial purposes (game or anything else) just send me a working copy of the software.
Thanks to: Jean Sébastien Monzani (EPFL Lausanne), Roberto Brega (ETH Zürich).
Michele Bugliaro, ------->>>>>>>> better known as MITCH.